Frequently asked questions.

what is home staging?

Home staging is the art of optimizing your home’s appeal to a wide range of potential buyers. Home Stagers make use of different techniques with the primary aim of improving the marketability of your house and touching the emotional side of home buyers.

At Dogwood Interiors, we help buyers visualize your house as their future home and invoke an emotional response in them. This can greatly increase the chances of selling your home more quickly and and a higher price!

why should i choose home staging?

There are so many reasons to consider staging your home, especially if you are looking to simplify your sales process while getting better value for your home. Here are some statistics from the National Association of REALTORS® in how staging your home can benefit you.

  • 83% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.

  • 44% of buyer’s agents say that staging a home increased the dollar value offered.

  • 53% of sellers’ agents say that staging a home decreased the amount of time a home spends on the market.

Staging your home gives potential buyers a view of what their lifestyle can become once they purchase your property, thus pushing them to make the purchase.

how much does home staging cost?

Professional Staging is much less expensive and more effective than your first price reduction!

So, before you choose to reduce the price of your house by THOUSANDS of dollars, we encourage you to employ the services of Dogwood Interiors to objectively look at the house and recommend any modifications it may need.

when should I stage my home for selling?

Right away! The longer a home sits on the market, the harder it can be to sell. Staging it correctly before it’s listed is key to drawing in the most potential buyers. Buyers that are looking for a home, start with online shopping. Which means that your online photos are the FIRST IMPRESSION and is the first step to having a buyer come in person to view your home. More views = more potential offers.

Having your home prepared to look like a model home before you list is critical to establish that “Wow” factor and avoid any missed opportunities.

why shouldn’t i just stage my home myself?

Most people cannot view their home objectively and therefore cannot make the required changes that the home needs for it to appeal to the majority of buyers. At Dogwood Interiors, we will transform your home to appeal to the majority of buyers while cleverly transforming any perceived “flaws” a buyer may see as an asset of the house.